Specialized monitoring and treatment for women with complications such as hypertension or diabetes.
Regular visits to monitor the health of the mother and fetus.
Imaging to assess fetal development and detect any abnormalities.
Screening for conditions such as gestational diabetes and infections.
Options like amniocentesis or non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to assess genetic disorders.
Epidural Analgesia, Nitrous Oxide and Medication A common method for pain relief during labor and option for laboring mothe...
Tracking the baby's heart rate and contractions during labor.
Use of tools like forceps or vacuum extraction if needed during delivery.
Surgical delivery for cases where vaginal birth is not possible or safe.
Monitoring for complications post-delivery, including wound care for C-sections.
Assistance with latching, feeding techniques, and addressing challenges.
Monitoring the baby for health issues, including jaundice and feeding difficulties.
Care for premature or critically ill newborns requiring specialized treatment.
Counseling and support for postpartum depression and anxiety.
Services such as IVF (in vitro fertilization) and IUI (intrauterine insemination).
Evaluation and treatment options for couples struggling to conceive.